One of the most popular cosmetic treatments we offer is teeth whitening. We use Ultradent Boost, a chemical-activated solution that does not require light, to effectively whiten teeth in the dental chair. In just two 20-minute applications, you can get your smile looking shades whiter and ready for your next big social outing or company event.
How Do Teeth Become Discolored?
No matter how well we take care of our teeth, they lose their brightness over time simply due to the types of foods and beverages we ingest. Additionally, as we age, tooth enamel becomes more translucent and allows the darker, inner portion of the tooth to show through.
How Does In-Office Teeth Whitening Work?
First, a protective barrier is applied to the gums. Then, the whitening gel is directly applied to your teeth and you will leave the office about an hour later with a brighter smile! Your treatment is customized based on the extent of discoloration and your desired results.
The Benefits of Professional Whitening
- Comfort: Because the gums are protected, you won’t experience the irritation or discomfort that you can feel with over-the-counter products.
- Results and Speed: Ultradent Boost cannot be sold over-the-counter because it contains a higher concentration of whitening product. This allows a quicker, more dramatic result than over-the-counter methods.
- Convenience: In one single visit, you can achieve the results you’ve been desiring without the need to incorporate a daily whitening routine into your busy schedule.