Night Guard
Night guards, sometimes known as orthotics, are oral appliances made from medical silicone or plastic that are custom-fabricated to fit over the teeth. They are often used to prevent nighttime teeth grinding and clenching, as well as to properly position the jaw to relax hyperactive muscles and decrease TMD symptoms. While most dental night guards […]
Dental Sealants
Dental sealants are clear coatings applied to the surfaces of a child’s molars to prevent the development of tooth decay. They work by preventing food and plaque from resting in the grooves and crevices of molars – an area especially susceptible to cavities. According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, nearly 1 in 3 U.S. […]
Our dentists offer frenectomy services to treat tongue ties and lip ties in infants. This procedure addresses restricted frenum, also referred to as the thin piece of tissue that secures other muscles, such as the tongue or the upper lip. What are the symptoms of a tongue tie? Tongue ties can affect the growth and […]